The Needle Drop

Stream / Download New Celeste Album


Celeste is a French metal outfit one of my Needle Drops was kind enough to send along.

You'll get a faint, faint whiff of black metal floating around their music, but most of what's here is sludgy and riff-laden. The vocals are intense, and the guitars sound even rougher than some of the sounds on Daughters' latest record.

What's almost as interesting as the music is the band's business model. All of their albums--including their latest, Morte(s) Nee(s)--are available to stream an download for free on their website. They do small runs of vinyl for their LPs that number in the 100s and encourage donating to those who download the music and like it. Nice, amirite?

ZIP: Celeste- Morte(s) Nee(s) -