The Needle Drop

the beatles

Morgan Delt - "Barbarian Kings"/ "Make My Grey Brain Green"

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Morgan Delt is definitely giving off some serious Sgt. Pepper's vibes with this track from his EP Psychic Death Hole.

"Barbarian Kings" has that feeling like everything is being played backwards, or time has been forced to stop due to the pure psychedelic nature of this song. It certainly something The Beatles did with their strung out guitars creating that particular reversed noise, Delt takes it further here and embraces that type of sound with all of himself. Down to his vocals that hit a faded note making it feel as if his head is floating through the room entrancing you with its mysterious words, which is a bizarre analogy, but trust me on this one.

"Make My Grey Brain Green" takes it in a far more frantic direction, whirlpooling  a fantastic array of heavy reverb and lo-fi sounds into some satisfying and diverse jams. It takes it to the point where I am borderline hallucinating, but in a way that is utterly unique from "Barbarian Kings" in every way, especially structure and tempo. Morgan Delt is setting out a unique psychedelic style that prides itself on its ability to dig into your head and make you hear things you've never quite heard before, it's an incredibly exciting thing to hear.

Ghost Covers the Beatles

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Admittedly, there aren't many band's I'd be interested in hearing do a Beatles cover. Sometimes, I just like to stick to this model: It if ain't broke, don't cover it. But when someone sent me a message saying one of Sweden's masters of occult metal decided to raise the song from the dead, I was too bewildered not to try it out. After all, the bright and acoustic disposition of the Abbey Road track doesn't exactly fit in with Ghost's aesthetic.

But I was impressed by this cover on my first listen. The organ-led affair successfully turns the song into something dark, eerie, and something that would slip into a Ghost live set easily. The band rounds all the bases: lyrics, thematic melodies, the build. It's a perceptive interpretation to say the least.