The Needle Drop

toxic holocaust

Download the new Municipal Waste / Toxic Holocaust Split

New TracksadminComment

Appropriately titled Toxic Waste, Toxic Holocaust and Municipal Waste have a new split out via Tank Crimes. It's totally downloadable and free on Bandcamp. Woot! If there are two groups to check out in this new era of bands keeping thrash alive, Municipal Waste and Toxic Holocaust are them.


Toxic Holocaust- Conjure and Command

Reviewsadmin3 Comments

On Toxic Holocaust's fourth album, the Portland band takes a leaner approach to its grimy fusion of punk and thrash metal, lowering the black metal influences that were once prominent on the band's earlier releases. While there's not a lot of variety to be had on this release, it's not something I really ask for from this album. It's quick, 33-minute shot of rough riffs and tooth-gnashing ferocity.