The Needle Drop

the pale emperor

Marilyn Manson - "Deep Six"

New TracksContributor Jones1 Comment

Some artists have always felt the calling to make rock music that tries its best to be pure evil. When it's done well, like Marilyn Manson does in "Deep Six," the effect is a complete escape to the artist's world and their view on it. It's exceptionally trying for an outsider to explain these worlds, because they are inhabited by only one person. Here, Manson does his best to be your guide and lures you in under the false pretense that you're listening to "rock" music.

The elements are all there, a relatively simple drum beat with a chugging riff laid on top of it. The structure of the song is like most rock songs that you'll here out there too. However, the vocals are where this song leaves all notions of being generic behind. They are absolutely seductive in the first minute before erupting into the explosive metal style singing that music from Manson's late 90s and mid 2000s heyday is known for. The people who call this music satanic are not in fact crazy, but are noticing the parallels in biblical corruption wherein the evil that ends you feels like guilty yet harmless fun. Where they end up missing the point is that all of this really is just a harmless and enjoyable romp through Manson's fun house.

"Deep Six" is taken from Manson's upcoming ninth album The Pale Emperor, due out 16 January via his Hell, etc. imprint.

-Garrett Cottingham

Marilyn Manson - "Third Day Of A Seven Day Binge"

New Tracksadmin1 Comment

Dark and dramatic, the new Marilyn Manson track isn't bad at all, surprisingly. Considering how much of a let-down his last album was, I--like many--thought Manson's best moments were well behind him on albums like Antichrist Superstar. However, with this new single of his, there's a glimmer of hope that he might pull through on his upcoming full-length titled The Pale Emperor.

What makes "Third Day Of A Seven Day Binge" so appealing is its dreary melody and organic rock instrumentation. The guitars sound and feel much more natural and dynamic than they did on much of Manson's 00s output, and it really enhances his relentlessly depressing moans.

Some of the song's top comments on YouTube liken the music to that of Bowie and Nick Cave, and I have to wholeheartedly agree. It's nice to see Manson wearing his influences on his sleeve a bit more at this point in his career. If I recall correctly, Born Villain even had a few post-punk-y moments on it, which I dug a lot.

All I'm saying is we've got a pretty good song here, and a reason to have faith in rock's last major figure of controversy again.