The Needle Drop

Caddywhompus- "The Weight"

New Tracksadmin3 Comments


Out now via Chinquapin / Community Records, it's the latest release from the New Orleans noise rock duo Caddywhompus.

The Weight features four new tracks, and the title track is my favorite. The upbeat drums and guitars read to me like something to come out of the sweetest of pop punk tunes. The distortion and high-volume antics give this thing a much needed edge, though.

The track is structured in a really interesting way. The duo didn't have to add all those stops in at 1:00, and they especially didn't have to break into that blissful guitar interlude at 1:37, but both ad an incredible amount of personality to the track.

The band will be heading out on tour in several days, hitting up TX, CO, CA, and other places as well. Check the dates here.

Here's a rather large picture of the album cover: