The Needle Drop


Liturgy- "High Gold" (Live)

Videosadmin2 Comments

Live video of Liturgy playing one of my favorite tracks from their latest record, "High Gold," which was recorded at the Knitting Factory at the beginning of this month. I caught these guys over at SXSW, too, which was equally intense. The recording in this video is pretty boss, but some of the clips don't even sync up with the music--or am I just going crazy?

Aesthethica is out now via Thrill Jockey. See TND's review here, and click here to read an essay written by the band's frontman responding to recent controversy surrounding his views on metal music.

"High Gold" MP3

Liturgy- Aesthethica

Reviewsadmin3 Comments

On Liturgy's latest album, the interplay and musicianship that made 2009's Renihilation so memorable are magnified with tons of syncopation and detail. Another great addition to this band's style is their use of swells and crescendos, and it's not in the cliche post-rock way that we're all so used to. This band's dynamics are a result of musicianship and performing as a cohesive unit, not a ton of sound effects throw in during post-production.

Outside of that, the chord progressions of this album are rich and melodic. It's a sweet counterpoint to all of the harsh vocals, guitar chords, and crash cymbals. The moments where tremolo-picked guitars are layered on top of each other only enhance the effect.

There are a few underwhelming moments, and a couple detours, but the album is pretty dang solid! I'm loving the sound, the style, and the songs.


Liturgy- "Returner"

Videosadmin10 Comments

New video from Liturgy's new album Aesthethica, which drops tomorrow on Thrill Jockey Recs. I caught these guys in person at SXSW this year, and they were interesting to say the least.

This interview they did last year stirred up a lot of negativity toward the band, and I think some of the skepticism is justified. Is "transcendental black metal" a real thing? Should it matter? Are concepts and intentions such as these important for listeners to know before they listen to Liturgy?

Rejections and affirmations aside, Liturgy does bring some different ideas to the style. For one, there's a lot more syncopation and major chords in their songs. Though I would never call the music "sunny," it's definitely a noticeably lighter side of black metal. Seems like an appropriate message to convey while wearing a white robe.