The Needle Drop


The Octopus Project- "Hallucinists" ‡ STREAM

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Texas' Octopus Project has never been one of my favorite bands, but I am enjoying a lot of the tracks I'm hearing from their new LP. This time around, the band is working with an extremely layered sound that has a lot of replay power. There are a lot of intricacies packed between the beginning and end of the six-minute "Hallucinists." The repeating vocal samples bounce back and forth robotically in the mix; it's almost like listening to a game of pong.

Little snippets of distortion and woodwinds come in and start to warm things up, and really build this track into a well-organized junkyard of odd colors and textures. With a pair of headphones, it's a pretty fun listen.

This track comes from the album Hexadecagon, which is out now on Peek-A-Boo Recs. Stream "Hallucinists" below:
