The Needle Drop


Alphabets Heaven - "Birthday"

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Alphabets Heaven - Birthday from diplodok493 on Vimeo.

I think I just had a bit of brain melt listening to this track from Alphabets Heaven.

A large part of this odd sensation that I am experiencing is due to the visuals, this is very much an audio/visual experience make no mistake. The track itself is subdued and feels fairly minimalist. But once the beat gets going it still has a warm feeling to it, striking a delicate balance.

The video is something completely entrancing and is very much a fevered version of a child's cartoon. Characters shift and transform sometimes in monsters, sometimes into animals, it's very translucent and ends with a birthday celebration featuring dancing teeth... I don't really think I can add to that.

Yo La Tengo- "Before We Run"

New TracksadminComment

Attached to a set of visuals by Emily Hubley, here's the latest track from Yo La Tengo. It's set to be released on the famed New Jersey band's next album, Fade, and it's sounding quite beautiful and ambitious horns and strings. Still, despite the step up in instrumentation, Yo La Tengo still manages to come off quiet, subtle, and delicate.

Look for this album on Janurary 14th via Matador.